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Showing posts from March, 2016

How to redirect Blogspot blog Home Page to any Page

You want to display any page or post to home page means you open the website and display any page on home page then follow below steps: 1) Create page on your blogspot blog as you want to display in home page. Dashboard > Pages > New page. 2) Open your created page browser and copy url.     copied url, Example: /p/pagename.html

Blogspot blog पर traffic कैसे increase करते हैं.

1) अपने ब्लॉग का content unique होना चाहिए. 2) दुसरे ब्लॉग से सामग्री की नकल मत करो. 3) अपने ब्लॉग को blogger listening में add करे.

How to add a gadget on Blogspot blog

How to add a gadget in Blogspot blog There are many gadgets available in the blogger dashboard. Include, Google AdSense, Popular post, Featured post, HTML/ JavaScript, etc. In this article, I help you in adding a gadget. Follow these simple steps: 1) Go to your blog dashboard.

How to create schedule post in blogspot blog

How to create schedule post in blogspot blog Schedule post - Publish post in decided time is known as schedule post. Steps - 1) Please log in to your Google account and go to

How to Enable Social Share button and Email Post Link to your Blogspot blog

How to Enable Social Share button and Email Post Link to your Blogspot blog If you want people to share your post on social media and email, you need to enable social share button and email post link into your blog. In this article, I am sharing with you, How to Enable Social Share button and Email Post Link to your BlogSpot blog. Follow simple steps:  1) Go to your BlogSpot blog dashboard. 2) In Blogspot dashboard click on layout. 3) In blog posts gadget click on edit.

How to increase blogspot blog traffic

How to increase blogspot blog traffic 1) The content of your blog must be unique and also have quality content. 2) Don't copy content from another blog. It will help to increase traffic. 3) Add your blog to blogger listening. When you add your blog to blogger listening , it shows up in Next blog.

blogger पर बनाये हुये website or blog पर custom domain कैसे add करते है (पाठ 5)

blogger पर बनाये हुये website or blog पर custom domain कैसे add करते है (पाठ 5) पाठ 4 मै मैंने blogger पर template कैसे बदलते है ये सिखाया था. अब मै पाठ 5 मै blogger पर बनाये हुये website or blog पर custom domain कैसे add करते है ये सिखाने वाला हु. जब हम blogger पर free website or blog बनाते है तो आपके website का address  ऐसा होता है means आपकि website or blog को वो sub domain name provide करते है. आपको आपके website or blog का domain name top level ( वाला चाहिये तो आपको खरिदना पडेगा.

How to add custom domain on your blogger blog or website

How to add custom domain on your blogger blog or website We set up a free blog or website on platform they provide the free subdomain name ( to you. If you want to add the top level domain name (, read this article. Add top level domain to your blogger blog or website is a very easy process.  Firstly, you need to buy top level domain name from following companies, including:  •  • 1and1

Blogger मैं आपने blog or website का template change कैसे करते है (पाठ 4)

Blogger मैं आपने blog or website का template change कैसे करते है (पाठ 4) हमने पाठ 3 से blogger पर page कैसे publish करते है ये सिखा था. अब हम blogger के blog पर template कैसे change करते हे ये सिखेंगे. Blogger के blog पर template change करना ये बहुत simple हे. ईसके लिये आपको कोई technical knowledge कि आवश्यकता नहि हे. Blogger बहु सारे category के template available हे. आप उनमे से आपको जो आछा लगे वो आपके blog or website के लिये चुने.

How to change template in blogger blog or website

How to change template in blogger blog or website In previous lesson we learn about how to create, publish and add page in blogger blog or website . Now I am tell you about how to change template in blogger blog or website. It is very easy to change template in blogger blog or website. There are many templates available in blogger dashboard. You don't need any technical knowledge to add template to your blog. The templates includes, simple, dynamic views, picture window, awesome Inc., watermark, ethereal, and travel, etc. It’s your choice to choose template.

How to create and publish page in blgger blog or website

How to create and publish page in blgger blog or website In the previous lesson, I was told you about how to create or publish a post on your blog or website . Today topic is how to create and publish a page in blogger blog or website. Steps for creating page in blogger blog or website: 1) Go to the and log in into by using Google account. 2) After entering into blogger website clicks on your blog or website. 3) Now you are on your blog or website dashboard.

How to create or publish post on your blog or website

How to create or publish post on your blog or website I was shared with you how to create blog or website free in blogger in my previous lesion. Now today I am telling you about how to create and publish the first post in blog or website. Here some simple steps to create or publish post in blogger: 1) Go to, log in into blogger website by the use of Google account.

How to create blog or website in blogger

How to create blog or website in blogger If you have more knowledge about some topic, you need to have website or blog. You are publishing your knowledge in website or blog then all worlds read this. Even you can earn money from your blog. There is more advertising network available for showing their ad in your blog to make money. Return to our topic how to create a free blog or website in It’s very simple to create website or blog in First, I tell you about what you need to log in into blogger. Blogger is the app of Google; therefore, you first need a Google account. In the world, 99.9% people have google account those who have some internet knowledge. If you don’t have a Google account, create it now. For creating Google account goes to the and creates it. It’s simple process.

Blogger के blog पर page कैसे बनाते है (पाठ 3)

Blogger के blog पर page कैसे बनाते है (पाठ 3) हमने पाठ 2 मे blog मे पहिलि post कैसे बनाते हे ये सिखा था. अब हम पाठ-3 मै blogger के blog पर page कैसे बनाते है ये सिखाता हु. पहिले आपको पर जाकर Google के खाते (Google account) से sign in करना होगा. उसके बाद आपको अपने बनाया हुया blog के dashboard पर जाना होगा.

Blogger पर post कैसे create और publish करते है (पाठ 2)

Blogger पर post कैसे create और publish करते है (पाठ 2) Blogger पर blog कैसे बनाते है ये हमने पाठ 1 मे सिखा था. अब हम अपने बनाये हुए blog पर post कैसे create करते है ये सिखैगे. पहले पर जाकर अपने गुगल खाते(Google account) से sign in करे.

Blogger पर blog or website कैसे बनाते है (पाठ 1)

Blogger पर blog or website कैसे बनाये (पाठ 1) आपके अंदर कोई लिखने कि कला हे और आप उसको पुरि दुनिया को दिखना चाहते हो तो आपके पास blog or website होना जरुरी है. आज मै आपको ब्लॉगर.कॉम ( पर blog या website कैसे बनाते है मै आपको बताता हु. ब्लॉगर.कॉम ( पर ब्लॉग या वेबसाईट बनाने के लिये आपका Google पर खाता (Google account) होना जरुरि है. अगर आपके पास Google account नही है तो पहिले ( पे जाकर आपना खाता खोलिये. आपको Google account खोलना जरुरि है क्योकि blogger ये Google का app है. Google पर खाता बनाने के बाद आपको पर जाना होगा. पर जाकर आपको